A complex global shock can be broadly understood as an event with severely disruptive consequences for a significant proportion of the global population that leads to secondary impacts across multiple sectors. In the twenty-first century, the world has already experienced at least two complex global shocks: the COVID-19 pandemic (2020) and the global cost of living crisis (2022).
So, Trump looking like he's getting elected would count.
Remember, they brought out covid to keep him from winning again. They used it as an excuse for mail-in ballots.
Remember Zuckerberg and Bloomberg helping the Democrats (the UN) cheat.
I think we can almost equate the two, Democrats and UN, at this point, because they have often tried to place the UN as the head of the US. They've had bills for an Office of Peacekeeping, which would be the UN.
He must be very powerful or they would not hate and fear him so much.
Replying for a part 2:
So, Trump looking like he's getting elected would count.
Remember, they brought out covid to keep him from winning again. They used it as an excuse for mail-in ballots.
Remember Zuckerberg and Bloomberg helping the Democrats (the UN) cheat.
I think we can almost equate the two, Democrats and UN, at this point, because they have often tried to place the UN as the head of the US. They've had bills for an Office of Peacekeeping, which would be the UN.
He must be very powerful or they would not hate and fear him so much.
God bless President Trump.