Or maybe even a quakefake, like the subsidence of New Zealand. Just requires all comms to be shut off from NZ, controlled news from Australia, faked satellite surveillance photos, warnings of a follow-up tsunami on the Pacific Coast, and possible activation of the Yellowstone supervolcano. That would overawe the country up to the Mississippi River. I don't have a mythology to cover the eastern U.S., so maybe it's not such a good story.
You are dreaming up a requirement to make your argument. Who says the internet all over the world would have to be country locked? And why take the example that seriously? People on this page are quite willing to believe in the absurdity of "Blue Beam," the faking of an alien landing. Erasing a nation by faking an earthquake seems to be as easy a task.
My point was only to illustrate how bold one might be in order to push the world into someone's pocket.
This is a futile discussion. The issue has nothing to do with "land." It is a matter of gaining control of all the major communication streams from the land to be isolated. And maybe hunting down and decommissioning any individual radio operators. But go with it. It was only an illustration of the possibility of entirely falsifying an "event." Maybe there would be too much leakage and it would be only partial. We are seeing that with the war in Ukraine.
Or maybe even a quakefake, like the subsidence of New Zealand. Just requires all comms to be shut off from NZ, controlled news from Australia, faked satellite surveillance photos, warnings of a follow-up tsunami on the Pacific Coast, and possible activation of the Yellowstone supervolcano. That would overawe the country up to the Mississippi River. I don't have a mythology to cover the eastern U.S., so maybe it's not such a good story.
You are dreaming up a requirement to make your argument. Who says the internet all over the world would have to be country locked? And why take the example that seriously? People on this page are quite willing to believe in the absurdity of "Blue Beam," the faking of an alien landing. Erasing a nation by faking an earthquake seems to be as easy a task.
My point was only to illustrate how bold one might be in order to push the world into someone's pocket.
This is a futile discussion. The issue has nothing to do with "land." It is a matter of gaining control of all the major communication streams from the land to be isolated. And maybe hunting down and decommissioning any individual radio operators. But go with it. It was only an illustration of the possibility of entirely falsifying an "event." Maybe there would be too much leakage and it would be only partial. We are seeing that with the war in Ukraine.