Seeking info / recommendations / groups involved in fighting child trafficking… I wish to get involved in protecting our children.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
I have had many, many dreams in last several weeks of joining the fight to end child trafficking. For someone the never remembers dreaming for YEARS to now having such emotionally charged, alert, almost like “living” my dream with lasting vivid memories and souls stirring readiness to fight this evil. I’ve not heard of any groups or grassroots organizations that are available to the average non-MIL Patriots, any info would be most helpful in my person journey.
Don't overlook your own back yard.
Be sure to do a dig on these sports coaches and vet them. Look at their soc med pages and get a glimpse of the ideas they push. Some are fine, upstanding pillars of the community, while others are less than ideal anywhere near a child.