Good summary and forecast. Personally, I don't think, after all this trouble and the public pressure to arrive at a definite end, that Putin will tolerate any chance that a rump Ukraine would be NATO-ized. I think that future is over with. It will be something else. Maybe a puppet state west of the Dneiper. Maybe make non-Donbass East Ukraine a new province of Belarus. The West is now getting adjusted to the idea that they have lost...but they don't understand what that really means yet.
Good summary and forecast. Personally, I don't think, after all this trouble and the public pressure to arrive at a definite end, that Putin will tolerate any chance that a rump Ukraine would be NATO-ized. I think that future is over with. It will be something else. Maybe a puppet state west of the Dneiper. Maybe make non-Donbass East Ukraine a new province of Belarus. The West is now getting adjusted to the idea that they have lost...but they don't understand what that really means yet.