The CEO is promoting movies all over Twitter but not a single promotional tweet about this movie. You should do some research before you start attacking this movie. The ONLY reason he responded is because there is MASSIVE reporting about this issue about Sound of Freedom and not a single report about any other summer movie. And what does he do? He accuses everyone of being BOTS. He denies these problems are happening while you say they ARE happening, but it's just old theaters. You aren't even pushing the same narrative.
The CEO is promoting movies all over Twitter but not a single promotional tweet about this movie. You should do some research before you start attacking this movie. The ONLY reason he responded is because there is MASSIVE reporting about this issue about Sound of Freedom and not a single report about any other summer movie. And what does he do? He accuses everyone of being BOTS. He denies these problems are happening while you say they ARE happening, but it's just old theaters. You aren't even pushing the same narrative.