In my opinion anytime anyone acts like a specific "Q decode" is unquestionable, they're getting culty. Some interpretations are more equal than others, especially if Q later highlighted a decode to draw attention to it...
But ultimately none of us know for sure. I have my pet theories, you have your pet theories, and overall public awareness of the issues facing our nation is skyrocketing. So by all means let's all say what we really think, and not act like anyone's opinion on Q drops is unquestionable.
Unless they came here to disrupt or still dont think the issues Q raised are real, in which case... gtfo. This is supposed to be a forum to discuss what the drops mean, not argue with trolls about whether they mean anything
You used the C-word! Downvotes incoming.
But your completely right about the contraction
In my opinion anytime anyone acts like a specific "Q decode" is unquestionable, they're getting culty. Some interpretations are more equal than others, especially if Q later highlighted a decode to draw attention to it...
But ultimately none of us know for sure. I have my pet theories, you have your pet theories, and overall public awareness of the issues facing our nation is skyrocketing. So by all means let's all say what we really think, and not act like anyone's opinion on Q drops is unquestionable.
Unless they came here to disrupt or still dont think the issues Q raised are real, in which case... gtfo. This is supposed to be a forum to discuss what the drops mean, not argue with trolls about whether they mean anything