Since we know disinformation is necessary, technically any specific drop could always be doubled back on later, including "you are watching a movie".
That could also have been in reference to specific events going on at the time, not a final statement on the state of affairs in perpetuity.
In fact there is a contradiction in this headline, because it tries to say both we are in a war and have to fight, and we are watching a movie and the outcome isnt in question. Those are 2 competing views. Either we can rest easy bc it's a movie, or we need to fight bc it's a war.
Or, my personal choice, is we can quit being cultish and dogmatic about everything
I’m there. Been sick for 3 years, mom and cousin also sick. Dad died a couple months back. I couldn’t work because i won’t take the jab, so I couldn’t pay for medical care but still, I wasn’t healthy enough to keep my business alive. Everything collapsed. I’ve been a little salty on these forums at times, but war is war. Dad left a little insurance money for the kids, so he did one last good deed for the family. I was able to buy a hyperbaric chamber for me and my mom. We use it daily.
Excuse the grammar and all that. Love all you pedes out there. War is war. We’re almost home.
Perhaps what appears, at first, to be contradictory, may not actually be contradictory?
I now often choose to frame these seeming paradoxes ie "contradictions" as True Grit (h/t john wayne) because I've learned that if I don't spit them out ie dismiss them, like an oyster, these intellectual irritants often produce pearls of wisdom.
One thing that helped me to respond constructively to the seeming Q contradictions of "fight" drops and "youre watching a movie" drops == AAs famous Serenity Prayer.
This prayer guides people as they learn to distinguish between what they can control ie do something about and those things that are beyond their control ie "a movie".
Well it's true that Q has said "you are watching a movie". But since it's debatable when the movie started, when the movie ends, which issues are in the movie and which arent, and whether everything has gone according to plan since Q said that, and whether or not it was disinfo in the first place...
It kind of leaves us back where we started, when wondering if we need to fight or if it's part of the movie. So to be on the safe side I generally advise taking action (whether that action be speaking up, speaking out, donating money, or whatever the issue was that made you question if it was part of the movie in the first place)
Tldr; dont use "movie" drops as an excuse to get complacent. That could have meant a lot of things, and "nobody needs to do anything proactive" probably wasnt it.
In my opinion anytime anyone acts like a specific "Q decode" is unquestionable, they're getting culty. Some interpretations are more equal than others, especially if Q later highlighted a decode to draw attention to it...
But ultimately none of us know for sure. I have my pet theories, you have your pet theories, and overall public awareness of the issues facing our nation is skyrocketing. So by all means let's all say what we really think, and not act like anyone's opinion on Q drops is unquestionable.
Unless they came here to disrupt or still dont think the issues Q raised are real, in which case... gtfo. This is supposed to be a forum to discuss what the drops mean, not argue with trolls about whether they mean anything
Since we know disinformation is necessary, technically any specific drop could always be doubled back on later, including "you are watching a movie".
That could also have been in reference to specific events going on at the time, not a final statement on the state of affairs in perpetuity.
In fact there is a contradiction in this headline, because it tries to say both we are in a war and have to fight, and we are watching a movie and the outcome isnt in question. Those are 2 competing views. Either we can rest easy bc it's a movie, or we need to fight bc it's a war.
Or, my personal choice, is we can quit being cultish and dogmatic about everything
I agree, I joined this site for research into Q
Do you agree with OP based on what Q actually said in the referenced drop? Seems like OP extrapolated alot from what was actually said.
Or the “you and your families are safe”
Fantasies of medbeds ring hollow when you've already watched friends and family die of the injections
I’m there. Been sick for 3 years, mom and cousin also sick. Dad died a couple months back. I couldn’t work because i won’t take the jab, so I couldn’t pay for medical care but still, I wasn’t healthy enough to keep my business alive. Everything collapsed. I’ve been a little salty on these forums at times, but war is war. Dad left a little insurance money for the kids, so he did one last good deed for the family. I was able to buy a hyperbaric chamber for me and my mom. We use it daily.
Excuse the grammar and all that. Love all you pedes out there. War is war. We’re almost home.
Perhaps what appears, at first, to be contradictory, may not actually be contradictory?
I now often choose to frame these seeming paradoxes ie "contradictions" as True Grit (h/t john wayne) because I've learned that if I don't spit them out ie dismiss them, like an oyster, these intellectual irritants often produce pearls of wisdom.
One thing that helped me to respond constructively to the seeming Q contradictions of "fight" drops and "youre watching a movie" drops == AAs famous Serenity Prayer.
This prayer guides people as they learn to distinguish between what they can control ie do something about and those things that are beyond their control ie "a movie".
Well it's true that Q has said "you are watching a movie". But since it's debatable when the movie started, when the movie ends, which issues are in the movie and which arent, and whether everything has gone according to plan since Q said that, and whether or not it was disinfo in the first place... It kind of leaves us back where we started, when wondering if we need to fight or if it's part of the movie. So to be on the safe side I generally advise taking action (whether that action be speaking up, speaking out, donating money, or whatever the issue was that made you question if it was part of the movie in the first place) Tldr; dont use "movie" drops as an excuse to get complacent. That could have meant a lot of things, and "nobody needs to do anything proactive" probably wasnt it.
You used the C-word! Downvotes incoming.
But your completely right about the contraction
In my opinion anytime anyone acts like a specific "Q decode" is unquestionable, they're getting culty. Some interpretations are more equal than others, especially if Q later highlighted a decode to draw attention to it...
But ultimately none of us know for sure. I have my pet theories, you have your pet theories, and overall public awareness of the issues facing our nation is skyrocketing. So by all means let's all say what we really think, and not act like anyone's opinion on Q drops is unquestionable.
Unless they came here to disrupt or still dont think the issues Q raised are real, in which case... gtfo. This is supposed to be a forum to discuss what the drops mean, not argue with trolls about whether they mean anything