Trump is an insider. There is a ton of evidence to support his connections to the Cabal. Anyone who is investigating the Cabal will run into that evidence. It is very logical to include Trump as an agent of the Cabal based on all available evidence.
That doesn't mean he isn't also working for Q to take down the Cabal (if Q isn't controlled opposition itself). You HAVE to be an insider to take down such an organization. There is no other way.
Based on my investigation, controlled opposition is literally everywhere. EVERYWHERE! The only reason I think Q is indeed on the side of We The People is because we seem to be heading towards an actual solution to the Cabal problem, which is a recognition of our own self-worth and Sovereignty.
The moment "The Plan" deviates from that solution (like if Trump were to "save us"), I call foul. Until then, I will just enjoy The Show.
Trump is an insider. There is a ton of evidence to support his connections to the Cabal. Anyone who is investigating the Cabal will run into that evidence. It is very logical to include Trump as an agent of the Cabal based on all available evidence.
That doesn't mean he isn't also working for Q to take down the Cabal (if Q isn't controlled opposition itself). You HAVE to be an insider to take down such an organization. There is no other way.
Based on my investigation, controlled opposition is literally everywhere. EVERYWHERE! The only reason I think Q is indeed on the side of We The People is because we seem to be heading towards an actual solution to the Cabal problem, which is a recognition of our own self-worth and Sovereignty.
The moment "The Plan" deviates from that solution (like if Trump were to "save us"), I call foul. Until then, I will just enjoy The Show.