This is a great series. This is what brought my wife to Christ several years ago. Walter is a strong proponent of Adventism. I tried it. It seems they have strayed from the original teachings. Less about Jesus and more about law keeping these days. They have aligned with the Vatican and sadly, lost their way. I love Wlater though.
This is a great series. This is what brought my wife to Christ several years ago. Walter is a strong proponent of Adventism. I tried it. It seems they have strayed from the original teachings. Less about Jesus and more about law keeping these days. They have aligned with the Vatican and sadly, lost their way. I love Wlater though.
Walter is truly on the outs with the current direction of Adventism and he has spoken about why he remains to fight the good fight...
This series should absolutely be a part of the waking up protocol.
Watching the Islam one. All of the research I've done is being put into an easily digested lecture.
Wow. Can't believe I just found this...