There's a lot of hidden-in-plain-sight symbology throughout film. They seem to dance all they do before us in movies. A line that particularly stood out to me was from the movie 'Prisoners'
Evil is real, for everything they do seems to be a corruption of Gods work. The devil cannot create, only pervert, twist and intimidate. Everything these monsters do seems to be an intentional insult to God.
There's a lot of hidden-in-plain-sight symbology throughout film. They seem to dance all they do before us in movies. A line that particularly stood out to me was from the movie 'Prisoners'
"Making children disappear is the war we wage with God" - The kidnapper.
Evil is real, for everything they do seems to be a corruption of Gods work. The devil cannot create, only pervert, twist and intimidate. Everything these monsters do seems to be an intentional insult to God.