Sorry to link to a reddit thread on this. I was checking in on enemy coms over there when I saw this juicy planefag thread and thought I should bring it to y'alls attention.
Well, yesterday, around 1:30 pm, an Army Osprey flew over Madison West Virginia, going on an Easterly Direction, not sure of the specific Coordinates, no compass handy....
Are you in Madison wv?
We're in Roane County. About as far NE of Charleston as Madison is SW.
We see pretty regular .mil helos overflying our place - probably average one per day, sometimes at night. They used to transpond mostly but not anymore.
About a year ago we had a period where we were seeing low-flying Ospreys frequently but we haven't seen any lately.
Around March, some sort turboprop transport plane came over the road I was driving on, really, really low. About scared the bageezus out of me as it came outta nowhere.
Sorry, not in Madison, as Madison is a little more than half way to Chaz from where I am, still get lots of wop Wops going through, but need Binos to ID....
And yes, the Osprey that went over Madison was way below radar, almost map of the Earth, I'd say that plus 75 Feet-ish, so very unususal....