Maybe we can find something we can agree on.. Nasa wqs established by German Nazi Scientists that came over during operation paperclip. Now check out their affinity for Greek mythology in naming their various programs. Now tell me again Greek gods had no influence over German culture.
No its actually not, the Cabal at its roots is an ancient religion of rites and rituals practiced in secret by ancient bloodlines that go very veey far back. The Cains(Kings) of the earth.
That's a strange way to try to support what you said.
Maybe we can find something we can agree on.. Nasa wqs established by German Nazi Scientists that came over during operation paperclip. Now check out their affinity for Greek mythology in naming their various programs. Now tell me again Greek gods had no influence over German culture.
No its actually not, the Cabal at its roots is an ancient religion of rites and rituals practiced in secret by ancient bloodlines that go very veey far back. The Cains(Kings) of the earth.