I believe this information will be going more main stream shortly. If you're interested in the subject, I highly recommend the book "The Genesis 6 conspiracy" by Gary Wayne. It's probably the most concise book on this topic I own in my library. Very well researched 600 page plus book including all the reference material you can back check yourself. He has second book he'll be releasing soon as a fallow up. Its kinda pricey but I can reassure you its worth every cent. Thank you for letting me know about Lara's comments fren,
I believe this information will be going more main stream shortly. If you're interested in the subject, I highly recommend the book "The Genesis 6 conspiracy" by Gary Wayne. It's probably the most concise book on this topic I own in my library. Very well researched 600 page plus book including all the reference material you can back check yourself. He has second book he'll be releasing soon as a fallow up. Its kinda pricey but I can reassure you its worth every cent. Thank you for letting me know about Lara's comments fren,