Spouse speaks to woke acquaintance and asks, "what about Hunter and all of his crimes?"
She replied, "You know, I believe it was left there by Donald Trump Jr., I think it was his."
I thought it was a joke when I heard dems blame him. It would have been found just as easily a long time ago if it was left there by anyone else. Gads....but here's where they left the narrative and closed the case. Bas-turds for sure.
It's hard not to feel black pilled when you encounter actual meat with eyes like this. It happens to me all the time in real life. I cut back on Twitter usage. There are huge numbers of people there that think millions were killed by a super duper virus and not hospitals, the death 💉 saved millions, and nobody has been injured or killed by the 💉 etc. I think we have all been more than patient, but imagine living through the last 3.5 years and not being the tiniest bit suspicious. These people are simple, unable to think or reason for themselves. They do nothing but watch trash tv all day, then tell you how smart they are. They share their opinions with confidence, then scream like little children or banshees when challenged. My sympathy and patience for them has run out. 4-6% feels more like 40-60% some days. "Its Don Jr.'s coke in the White House." 🙄 The fuck out of here. Go get boosted
There was some TV bit several years ago. Maybe it was Jay Leno.
But the deal was camera in the street, interviewing random people. I guess Mark Dice does this, too.
The interviewer would ask a question about a "recent topic in the news," and ask the person which side of the debate was correct.
These people would pontificate about how absolute they were in their opinion that this or that was the correct way to view this recent event.
Except ... the recent event never happened. It was just made up.
These people had strong opinions about something that never actually happened.
They could not have KNOWN anything about this thing that didn't really happen, but they ACTED AS IF they did.
I don't know what the psychological explanation for this is, but it is as disgusting as it is frightening that these zombies walk around amongst us.
Similar to the "man on the street" interviews where they'd attribute a quote to say, Trump or Obama. But opposite. They'd HATE it if attributed to Trump (but was actually Obama) and LOVE it if attributed to Obama (but was actually Trump). Seeing their faces after the truth was revealed was priceless.
There are also the interviews with young women swooning over Kamala and her policies, except they can never name any of them. And their opposition to straight white male rights, but they can't name a single right that men have that women don't have.