Trust no one. Research everything. Reputable sources like Greg Reese and Amazing Polly are speaking out on some ugly truths about Sound of Freedom and Jim Caviezel. LINKS TO BOTH ARE IN COMMENTS
🧐 Research important 🤔
Trust no one. Research everything. Reputable sources like Greg Reese and Amazing Polly are speaking out on some ugly truths about Sound of Freedom and Jim Caviezel. PLEASE WATCH & SHARE: • Greg Reese: [4 min] ANGEL STUDIOS IS DIRECTING PEOPLE TO CLINTON-PODESTA NGOS: • Amazing Polly: [35 min] MY TAKE ON THE SOUND OF FREEDOM PRODUCTION
I tried listening to polly and like every other time I have tried her, she says a lot of words before she gets to whatever point she's making. Is there a summary of her accusations?
I refer her to as Annoying Polly.