Untold Story of Climate’s Holocene Gift to Humanity
... Teaching our youth about Earth’s long climatic history would provide the right context for such an approach. Sadly, much of today’s education, particularly in some public schools, has been corrupted by the pseudoscience of the global warming scare. ...
Indeed. Global warming is taught as FACT in school, like the law of gravity. Younger people are unaware of this material.
Thank you OP. That website is a keeper.
We should be prepping for cold times. There is a solar minimum thats coming for one. Will it be as bad as the Maunder Minimum that led to the little ice age? Nobody knows for sure. But there was famine then across the world and now the population is 100 times larger.
But there is another factor at play too. The earths orbit varies from nearly circular, which lends itself to a very stable climate and predictable seasons, to a more eliiptical orbit. As the orbit elongates the seasons will alter, and the hemisphere whose winter is at the far point of the orbit will be plunged into an ice age.
We have passed the sweet spot in our circular orbit. None of us will be alive when the worst of an elliptical orbit befalls the earth but humanities future is at stake. It wont be global warming that does us in it will be the cold.