Excuuuuuuuuuuuuse me???? EVEN IF THEY WERE RIGHT, and the vaccine was safe and effective, and this pandemic was actually REAL... suggesting that we FORCE this upon unwilling Americans and taking away their freedom to choose is a violation of EVERYTHING we stand for. Being willing to do that and encouraging that?! Anti-American! Sorry, those in power and influence who reside here should all be deported or worse!! Most of these celebs were not ignorant. They were complicit. Even if they were ignorant as to the true facts of COVID and the vaccine, they knew WHO they were taking orders from. They know who they really work for. They know what side they are REALLY on. Don't kid yourself.
I would accept a sincere apology. Many were simply ignorant and they need to admit their ignorance and apologize.
Excuuuuuuuuuuuuse me???? EVEN IF THEY WERE RIGHT, and the vaccine was safe and effective, and this pandemic was actually REAL... suggesting that we FORCE this upon unwilling Americans and taking away their freedom to choose is a violation of EVERYTHING we stand for. Being willing to do that and encouraging that?! Anti-American! Sorry, those in power and influence who reside here should all be deported or worse!! Most of these celebs were not ignorant. They were complicit. Even if they were ignorant as to the true facts of COVID and the vaccine, they knew WHO they were taking orders from. They know who they really work for. They know what side they are REALLY on. Don't kid yourself.