Nice little straw man they set up via the Hollywood Reporter:
“Life is filled with peaks and valleys, and I appreciate when my fictional heroes, such as Indy, have their own ups and downs. So why does a segment of the audience seem to want these legacy characters to be infallible? I just can’t figure out why anyone would want such little drama.”
So, we're unsophisticated rubes who want two-dimensional heroes. 🙄
Someone needs to tell him that Top Gun II — featuring an older, sympathetic Maverick who never really came to terms with Goose's death, and who only kept his job thanks to Iceman's repeated interventions — was a huge success.
Yeah, but to be clear it was the shitty journo and not the shitty director who said that. I know you are stating that, but since people are already interpreting it to be worse than what was actually said I wanted to clarify.
Yeah I could've been a little more clear, it was the Hollywood Reporter guy who framed the conversation that way. Mangold's response was much more measured, considering. I didn't get the impression from the interview that he was "lashing out".
Nice little straw man they set up via the Hollywood Reporter:
“Life is filled with peaks and valleys, and I appreciate when my fictional heroes, such as Indy, have their own ups and downs. So why does a segment of the audience seem to want these legacy characters to be infallible? I just can’t figure out why anyone would want such little drama.”
So, we're unsophisticated rubes who want two-dimensional heroes. 🙄
Someone needs to tell him that Top Gun II — featuring an older, sympathetic Maverick who never really came to terms with Goose's death, and who only kept his job thanks to Iceman's repeated interventions — was a huge success.
Yeah, but to be clear it was the shitty journo and not the shitty director who said that. I know you are stating that, but since people are already interpreting it to be worse than what was actually said I wanted to clarify.
Yeah I could've been a little more clear, it was the Hollywood Reporter guy who framed the conversation that way. Mangold's response was much more measured, considering. I didn't get the impression from the interview that he was "lashing out".