The never-ending coke issues of the Joe Biden family and administration from hell have produced another infamous chapter.
A mere few days after the Secret Service wrapped up a hasty unsuccessful probe over cocaine found in the West Wing of the White House, it now surfaces that the US has suspended satellite monitoring of Colombia coca leaf fields -- a move that comes amid a historical spike in production.
“The Biden administration has quietly ditched a key gauge used for decades to measure success in the war on drugs, suspending satellite monitoring of coca crops in Colombia as cocaine production surges in South America.
A State Department spokesperson said the move was ‘temporary’ but gave no timeframe for data collection to resume or explain why it was suspended in the first place. It was also unclear whether satellite surveys would continue in Peru and Bolivia, which together account for about half of coca production in the Andean region.”
Is it a coincidence that they stopped monitoring coca crops so soon after losing the poppy crops?
Satellite crop data could provide statistical evidence to connect the 2 agri-business operations to a common sponsor.