"If Q told everyone not to vote, I'd say, yeah, psyop
If Q said politicians were just doing their job, I'd say, yeah, psyop
If Q suggested we go and do anything that could in any way benefit politicians, businessmen or the Cabal, I'd say, yeah, psyop
Q is only a concept as far as our movement goes.
It encourages us to look into people and things that we were blissfully unaware of.
It encouraged us to find our own strength and to draw it out in others.
It most certainly woke 90% of the people who are, today, jamming up chat-boards with mischievous enthusiasm; arguing and debating amicably in the sole interest of a bright future and building friendships with people across oceans who they wouldn't otherwise know or necessarily care about.
What is Q? Does it really matter?
Whether Q is a Quantum computer or a guy with a comb-over and way too much time on his hands.
Nobody...and I mean NOBODY is hurt by Q. Nobody has lost money or been scammed by Q. Nobody - or very few - is sitting back expecting Q to take care of everything.
Q, regardless of whatever it really is, is just a concept. It's a mere springboard offering you the chance to use it to have fun diving.
Who gains from Q? The Cabal? Governments? The WEF, WHO or any other NGO?
Absolutely not...in fact, Q, even as a concept, is devastating enough to them to run a 24/7 smear campaign maligning the laughable consideration of it.
No. The ONLY people who gain from Q are patriots and the patriot movement.
So, do you believe in Q? The answer is irrelevant.
What is relevant is that if you can deny that without Q our war would have been over by now and that the mere concept of Q is solely responsible for the awakening we see taking back our World today, then you may need to stand a lot further back when observing what's going on. " (Professor Patriot)
Fantastic Comment there Fren.. GAW is a 'home' for a lot of us...🙏🏻