Lol. It's been over 112 all week and practically zero humidity. At this point a light rain would turn to steam when it hits the ground. I have seen this when the ground is hot enough and rain light enough. But we're still hoping for good monsoons to come and change it to 105 and 30%.
I think it's the "deadly dim-bulb analysis" that we really need to be concerned about.
It's 97F, humidity well over 80%. Just another summer day in sunny Florida.
But, it IS fixin to rain! Yay!! (which just makes it worse)
Lol. It's been over 112 all week and practically zero humidity. At this point a light rain would turn to steam when it hits the ground. I have seen this when the ground is hot enough and rain light enough. But we're still hoping for good monsoons to come and change it to 105 and 30%.