I'm not a christian, but I grew up in a Baptist household, so I have at least a passing understanding of the Bible. Lemme know if I got any wrong.
If I'm understanding the bible correctly;
God Created heaven and Earth, Including Mankind and Angels
God is all-knowing and all-powerful
Relevant to this discussion, God created Lucifer and all the angels who sided with him.
God made Man in His image, and ordered the angels to serve them.
Lucifer, prideful of his own beauty, and envious of God's (at least perceived) favoritism of Man, and of God's position, started a rebellion in heaven and was/will be cast down into the lake of fire(aka Hell).
lucifer later tempted/took the form of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden and tempted Eve to eat of the Tree of Knowledge.
my conclusion: God, with full knowledge of what lucifer would do/become created him and set him on the path that led to his downfall, and to the Sin of Mankind.
Or to put it more simply; God created Sin through his foreknowledge of what Lucifer would become.
I'm not trying to start a shitstorm here, but this is the logical conclusion that I find myself at.
Any Christian pedes wanna poke holes in this for me?
Well, that's certainly a justification, but does it undermine the idea that God, even through benevolence, allowed sin to be born?
Again, I'm trying to steer clear of moral judgements on this one. I don't want to step on toes, just try to wrap my head around this.
The CS Lewis quote above is probably the best explanation, and Lewis started as an atheist, you might find wisdom in reading some of his works.
No one knows God's plan, so... his intention might be for a species to overcome sin as a collective and ascend to higher planes of existence despite it. A spoiled child who is given everything has no respect or gratitude for the existence they have, those that overcome do and are rewarded because of it.
Revelation 3:12 - The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it.
There are lot of passages in the Bible regarding the act of overcoming, which is a personal act of perseverance and reward. #HardWork #Grind #HeIsForYou
I have absolutely nothing profound to add. I just wanted to say thank you for being so honest and respectful. Very cool attitude.
😊 hey, just because I don't consider myself a Christian doesn't mean I hold animosity towards them (you?), and honestly? I like to think and talk about topics even if it occasionally makes people uncomfortable. It jogs the mind, and can lead to unexpected places.
Part of why I oppose the modern left is the dogmatic nature of their ideology. There's no room for exploring the cracks and devices when everyone must walk in lockstep.
There's no room for personal growth when you're denied personal responsibility.
An easy example would be to say that "white privilege" is the privilege of personal responsibly. How can you improve yourself if no one is allowed to acknowledge your faults? Your weaknesses? Your mistakes?
This, to me, is one of the great crimes of the left, both in modernity and recent history; depriving Black Americans of the great treasure that is free agency.