I'm not a christian, but I grew up in a Baptist household, so I have at least a passing understanding of the Bible. Lemme know if I got any wrong.
If I'm understanding the bible correctly;
God Created heaven and Earth, Including Mankind and Angels
God is all-knowing and all-powerful
Relevant to this discussion, God created Lucifer and all the angels who sided with him.
God made Man in His image, and ordered the angels to serve them.
Lucifer, prideful of his own beauty, and envious of God's (at least perceived) favoritism of Man, and of God's position, started a rebellion in heaven and was/will be cast down into the lake of fire(aka Hell).
lucifer later tempted/took the form of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden and tempted Eve to eat of the Tree of Knowledge.
my conclusion: God, with full knowledge of what lucifer would do/become created him and set him on the path that led to his downfall, and to the Sin of Mankind.
Or to put it more simply; God created Sin through his foreknowledge of what Lucifer would become.
I'm not trying to start a shitstorm here, but this is the logical conclusion that I find myself at.
Any Christian pedes wanna poke holes in this for me?
"Know ye not that ye are gods?"
God is holy, and his plan is to end evil, so that only good remains going forward.
If you've ever heard of the trinity, it's the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These are the distinct persons who are part of it, and who all of us can look to in any age for an everlasting example. Some do that, and become examples for the age they're in, like prophets, saints, and those who stood by their faith that we now know of, like Moses, Joan of Arc, etc. By doing this, they became a physical living presence for the people in the age they existed of the trinity. For us long removed from them, we now have to find those who are part of that body in our age, but if we can't we can always look to the trinity. In essence, those saints and prophets became part of ye are gods. Those who followed those saints and prophets to live godly lives also became part of ye are gods.
"God is love"
Love isn't about forcing people to do things like the deranged demons do. God simply told us how it's going to be, and we can make our choice to get on board with Him and, or not. Like Noah did, vs all the people who decided to do evil instead, and died.
Love is also about sharing. This is why God wants us to share in everything, yes to be a part of the trinity (which we can be now through the body of Christ). Yeah, God threw some dust together and blew into it and created humankind. You're going to get to do the same when ye are gods. Creating all of creation out of nothing? Parting a sea? Walking on water? Turning water to wine? Making 2 loaves and bread feed everyone? You got it! you're going to get to do the same when ye are gods sharing in God's love and power.
But think about that kind of power. If you had that power, you're not just going to give it to everyone, right? You want to make sure you test someone to be sure, that without question, they have earned the right to hold such power. And so we have all creation, including angels (even the fallen ones who became demons), and humans (even the evil ones). This way the harvest can grow, and at the very end He can harvest the result, toss the chaff (evil) in the fire, and keep the wheat (good).
Will everyone start out in heaven with the same power? I don't know. It may be a slow and steady trust-based thing where people are granted more powers as they go. I don't know anything about how it will be in Heaven, but I have been offered glimmers of heaven, and it's so incredible, i wish i could describe it, but i would need to be all the greatest poets and writers in all of history combined into one to do so, and that's not something I'm called to do. But everyone is going to love it there, and scripture tells us of the day of judgement, that even the Evil will see heaven, and part of the reason they wail and gnash their teeth is because they will see what they missed out on, but never get.
Some may say "well if we can all be like God then what differentiates us from God?" Well the answer is pretty simple: God is the eldest, and the wisest, the first, and the last, and none of us will ever be that old or wise.
Anyway i probably got off track here, but hopefully you get the idea. The bottom line is this is all part of God's plan to share His way with us, in one great family (instead of just Him).