Matrix is set around 2199 (Morpheus didn’t know exactly).
From Q start to November 5th is 2199 days.
From Trumps “You’ll Find Out” statement to November 5th is 2222 days. From when Q went quiet to Christmas Eve of this year is 1111 days. From September 11th 2001 to November 15th is 8100 days. 8100 has 45 divisors. November 5th is the 45th week of the year. November 5 is V for Vendetta.
Notice how he mentions Matrix.
Matrix is set around 2199 (Morpheus didn’t know exactly). From Q start to November 5th is 2199 days. From Trumps “You’ll Find Out” statement to November 5th is 2222 days. From when Q went quiet to Christmas Eve of this year is 1111 days. From September 11th 2001 to November 15th is 8100 days. 8100 has 45 divisors. November 5th is the 45th week of the year. November 5 is V for Vendetta.