They do not have direct eyewitness experience. What are you talking about?
That would mean they personally witnessed something.
Also Ballard's organization had previous denied this
In response to a request for comment from VICE World News, a spokesperson for OUR wrote, “Operation Underground Railroad does not condone child trafficking conspiracy theories, such as the harvesting of adrenochrome, nor is the organization affiliated with any conspiracy theory groups, including QAnon. OUR has clearly stated that the effort to knock out child exploitation and human trafficking is being harmed [by] a number of conspiracy theory groups who have chosen to latch onto child exploitation and human trafficking and used a variety of conspiracy theories as a vehicle to deceptively bolster their causes.”
They have talked about it in multiple recent interviews, but I didn't want to go back through all of them I have watched recently to find a direct source. But someone just posted one so I will link it to you here.
Caviezel has no more direct eyewitness experience with adrenochrome than you are I do. There's nothing in the clip that says otherwise.
The things he says, that this is drug ten times more powerful than heroin or it's the fountain of youth are just completely baseless.
The stuff can be made cheaply in a lab. Many labs make it. You think these labs wouldn't be selling the fountain of youth to people all over the world?
25 mg of the stuff (way, way, way more than exists in 100 people ) is like 75 bucks.
Caviezel has worked directly with people who have eyewitness, and has seen video footage of it himself while researching for his role in Sound of Freedom. Ballard has direct eyewitness experience.
Of course they have denied it. Listen to their more recent interviews. Tim Ballard has witnessed it directly during his operations. Jim Caviezel has seen video of it.
In case you haven't noticed, we are in the middle of a global information war. Disinfo is necessary. Some of the people they need to reach with the message of Sound of Freedom just aren't ready to hear about adrenochrome yet.
They do not have direct eyewitness experience. What are you talking about? That would mean they personally witnessed something.
Also Ballard's organization had previous denied this
They have talked about it in multiple recent interviews, but I didn't want to go back through all of them I have watched recently to find a direct source. But someone just posted one so I will link it to you here.
Caviezel has no more direct eyewitness experience with adrenochrome than you are I do. There's nothing in the clip that says otherwise.
The things he says, that this is drug ten times more powerful than heroin or it's the fountain of youth are just completely baseless.
The stuff can be made cheaply in a lab. Many labs make it. You think these labs wouldn't be selling the fountain of youth to people all over the world?
25 mg of the stuff (way, way, way more than exists in 100 people ) is like 75 bucks.
Caviezel has worked directly with people who have eyewitness, and has seen video footage of it himself while researching for his role in Sound of Freedom. Ballard has direct eyewitness experience.
Of course they have denied it. Listen to their more recent interviews. Tim Ballard has witnessed it directly during his operations. Jim Caviezel has seen video of it.
In case you haven't noticed, we are in the middle of a global information war. Disinfo is necessary. Some of the people they need to reach with the message of Sound of Freedom just aren't ready to hear about adrenochrome yet.