🚨DELETED TWEET 🚨 President Trump is going to save Children the likes of which you have never seen. You might even say he’s the new Moses telling Pharos (World Cabal) to let the Children go free! Mr President you are the new Moses! But I’m still Jesus ;) *+++*
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!

God is going to judge us on what we tolerate. Tolerance has been a misused word, such as the likes of how the LGBTQIA2+(P) people use it.
One thing God doesn't tolerate is child sex trafficking, and we shouldn't either. Not only is it a disgusting evil sin from the pits of hell, the US should be an example to the rest of the World and be a leader on this issue.
I pray Trump wins and does everything in his power to find those behind this travesty and put them away for eternity.
Reminder: tolerance is NOT a Christian Virtue.