posted ago by MuckeyDuck ago by MuckeyDuck +64 / -0

Many of you know of the 60 minutes segment on DMSO. At the end of the video, Mike Wallace mentioned that Congress was scheduled to hold hearings. Here is a link the that congressional testimony.

Dr. Jacobs tears the detractors to shreds, and it's satisfying to read.

But you can clearly see the framework of how FDA approves drugs that are more dangerous with questionable efficacy over drugs with proven safety, and widespread anecdote efficacy.

The push back by those asking questions to supposedly experts, and particularly Dr. Crout is satisfying to read. I wish I had to video record of this also.

And Dr. Jacobs also shoots down the supposedly experts by asking questions directly of them. Of course the question then has to be posed by a congressman, but it's great to read of getting embarrassed.

I was going to post some examples but does not allow me to cut/paste from doc.

Just skim through testimony if you like, and look for Dr. Jacobs.

Here is Dr. Jacobs book on DMSO DMSO - The Persecuted Drug Dr. Stanley Jacob