His stellar career took on a sour note after he was bullied in a diversity, equity and inclusion training session for Toronto District School Board (TDSB) administrators in 2021, according to a lawsuit Bilkszto filed in court. His sin, in the eyes of facilitators at the KOJO Institute, was his questioning of their claim that Canada was a more racist place than the United States. Canada wasn’t perfect, he said, but it still offers a lot of good. For the rest of the training session, and throughout a follow-up training session the week after, facilitators repeatedly referred to Bilkszto’s comments as examples of white supremacy. The experience was humiliating — particularly because Bilkszto placed a great emphasis on equality and anti-discrimination during his career.
Instead of offering support to Bilkszto and protection in these training sessions, the school board distanced itself from him. One colleague, who has since been made an education director in Hamilton, thanked the facilitator for “modelling the discomfort.”
A day after the second training session, Bilkszto fell into a mental health crisis so bad that he had to spend more than a month away from work — for which he won a successful workers’ compensation claim for lost earnings. Shortly after his leave began, his association of education administrators asked the board to investigate the bullying incident, but the board refused. When Bilkszto returned to work, the TDSB further refused to reinstate him to the role he was in prior to taking leave; it also revoked a work contract he had been awarded for the upcoming year. Finally, the board disinvited him from attending a graduation ceremony.
Michael Teper, a representative of SOS TDSB, described Bilkszto’s philosophy as a classical liberal approach — he believed in providing equal opportunities to all, and offering outreach to underserved communities.
https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/ has been banning users who post this article because it's the extremist DEI liberals bulling a classic liberal into comitting suicide.
These people are sick!
Tragic he took his own life. Truly it is. But it’s not like he and others weren’t warned about the snakes they were allowing in. And now they’re acting shocked they’ve been bitten.
Far too many people who “mean well”. Or “Had Good intentions”. Go off on half cocked hair-brained moral crusades. That predictably blow in their face and then everyone suffers. The Wannabe crusader, the person they sought to help, and the people who wanted no part of their fools crusade.
That’s how this shit all started. A bunch of gullible morons “Who meant well” got manipulated by spiteful, hate filled people.
Same thing happens time and time again. Blind idealists start a moral crusade over some injustice or social ill. Real or imagined. They get manipulated fairly easily by the self-interested. Then their crusade blows up in their face. Then everyone suffers.
There’s a reason why the adage “The Road to Hell is paved with Good intentions.” Exists.
It seems that bearing false witness is acceptable in modern times with the woke. It's an effective tool that liberals use like a stiletto against any one opposing their ideology. IMHO, to fight against their toxic mis-characterizations, the individual needs to call them out for what they have committed. They have committed "false witness". Too bad he didn't recognize they were bearing false witness against him.