There is a key point here - the Nazi regime (Big Government abetted by Big Corporate) is very effective when they attack individuals. But as the frustration and anger grows, individuals unite and can no longer be targeted with impunity. Pretty simple, really - "United We Stand, Divided We Fall"
My thoughts, if we hadn't had corrupt politicians, like our Founding Fathers warned us about, we would not be in this state of affairs. The Constitution is a great document that can be amended and fixed for a lot of things going wrong in our country. It isn't an easy process and wasn't meant to be. We don't want or need a monarch or dictator (word play or actual wording) because then we are all slaves. America lost its way, but up until then it was and still can be a great country. When our politicians figured out they didn't have to listen to we the people in any form of government, the wheels came off the car, so to speak. Elections, in their true sense, are very good. Elected officials were not meant to be permanent as this in and of itself breeds corruption as we found out. Anyone being elected to an office and staying in that office for 40 or more years is bound to be corrupt. It is not the elections, it is the electorate that puts the same people back in power and then they realize they, the politicians, don't have to serve the public that elected them. We need to right this ship and it should be done soon. So we can continue this great experiment called America-as it is only an idea. And Barack H. Obama showed us how little it means to some people and how bad someone can be and get away with tyranny on Americans when push comes to shove, and Biden is doing the same thing.
There is a key point here - the Nazi regime (Big Government abetted by Big Corporate) is very effective when they attack individuals. But as the frustration and anger grows, individuals unite and can no longer be targeted with impunity. Pretty simple, really - "United We Stand, Divided We Fall"
My thoughts, if we hadn't had corrupt politicians, like our Founding Fathers warned us about, we would not be in this state of affairs. The Constitution is a great document that can be amended and fixed for a lot of things going wrong in our country. It isn't an easy process and wasn't meant to be. We don't want or need a monarch or dictator (word play or actual wording) because then we are all slaves. America lost its way, but up until then it was and still can be a great country. When our politicians figured out they didn't have to listen to we the people in any form of government, the wheels came off the car, so to speak. Elections, in their true sense, are very good. Elected officials were not meant to be permanent as this in and of itself breeds corruption as we found out. Anyone being elected to an office and staying in that office for 40 or more years is bound to be corrupt. It is not the elections, it is the electorate that puts the same people back in power and then they realize they, the politicians, don't have to serve the public that elected them. We need to right this ship and it should be done soon. So we can continue this great experiment called America-as it is only an idea. And Barack H. Obama showed us how little it means to some people and how bad someone can be and get away with tyranny on Americans when push comes to shove, and Biden is doing the same thing.