Something I found interesting. PDJT stressed the word PAUSE in his speech, searched and found this drop first of seven...#3524..Also, the part with PAUSE went on to talk about how "it will be much easier to do what has to be done". Drop has meme about when do trials for treason begin 🤔

Being able to delay gratification for longer and longer periods of time has been part of a humans training since the dawn of time.
There are countless pejoratives to describe those who can't or won't delay self gratification including spoiled brats.
Bottom line, thank God for "two.more weeks" moms and dads who tried to prepare their kids for the road trip of life.
Masters of edging.
Great comment and so true!!
My mom would always say 4 more hours. Didn't matter if it was 20 minutes or 20 hours.