How many people in the US have seen Sound of Freedom??
We keep hearing about the money, but for public exposure isn't it more important how many people have seen it? So at 100 million $ at an average of $10/ ticket, that would come to 10 million people. Yes?
We need to get this to 100 million views.
Can you imagine the impact on those who DONT KNOW already the extent of this horror? You found it depressing bc it was a visual, physical depiction of what you've known - but those who really didn't have a clue? Woman next to me gripped her bf/hubby hand, cried and said she had no clue. Her eyes were opened. It has to be impactful and emotionally painful imo - but it's not as painful as what those children's reality is on a day to day - or hour to hour - basis. Learning what had been going on literally UNDER MY NOSE and I was oblivious to it was the most difficult part for me.