COMPASSION is the hook the Cabal has used to pull people into its corrupt orbit since Marx, if not before.
This approach has horrendous power, because compassion is the most important foundation stone for civilized society. Jesus' entire ministry can be seen as a plea for more compassion in the world, and He literally defined discipleship as loving one's fellow human beings:
John: 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
Language as a weapon: Communism = "community". Socialism = "social" and "society". How could anyone be AGAINST community or society? What sort of monster would oppose brotherhood and kindness?
Yet -- and this is crucial -- COMPASSION cannot be imposed by law or regulated.
COMPASSION is a feeling and an inner orientation; it involves the sense of CONNECTION to ALL LIFE. Compassion IS the FELT brotherhood / sisterhood with others -- and not only with people but with dogs and cats and deer and every other thing that walks or flies or crawls or swims. Compassion is about the deep, non-intellectual understanding that all life is the same, that all life is family, that everything that lives is built by the same hand and made of the same stuff-and-magic as oneself, and has the same basic needs (food, air, water, and more).
Again: Compassion cannot be imposed by law. Government is NOT the vehicle for bringing more compassion into the world. Compassion is about Love; thus, it is about emotional health -- and thus, it is ultimately about the TREATMENT OF CHILDREN. Jesus talks about that also, as we know. At one point, millstones are involved (Matthew 18:6).
Government is about Liberty, not Love. The two things are NOT in the same realm. Liberty is about actions; Love is about the soul.
Government is, in theory, the vehicle for protecting liberty; hence, the US Constitution's restraints on government power and the entire Bill of Rights that Americans insisted on before having their representatives sign off on that Constitution.
Notice that "restraints on government power" are ESSENTIAL, which is a huge RED FLAG pointing to the problem of using forcible government to protect liberty; [initiating] coercion is a CRIME and government as we have conceived it is based on nothing else. But I digress.
LIBERTY (AKA Freedom) is the second foundation stone for civilized society.
A truly compassionate person does not trample on the freedom of others -- "live and let live" is compassion's attitude; benign and compassionate interest in others without the desire to control others is what "Love thy neighbor" amounts to, which means that "Love IS the answer" and truly, "Love is all you need." But in a world of less than optimal emotional health -- NOT an inevitability, as smaller groups have proven -- active protection for Liberty is necessary.
Sowing confusion about this -- about the natures of Love and of Freedom -- has been the Enemy's most powerful tool.
Love and Freedom are co-dependent. No society long remains free without compassion, and no compassionate society can withstand an on-going erosion of Liberty. Love is about (or simply IS) emotional health; Liberty is the society-wide ability to live as one chooses (thus, each must accord that right to others) -- and thus is also about protecting oneself and others from assaults -- including assaults on Freedom itself.
Waking people up to the corruptions and evils of this world is only a start for the Great Awakening. At bottom, this Awakening is about setting right our understanding of and approach TO both Love and Liberty.
Both Love and Liberty are necessary. But using forcible government to "protect" Liberty has shown itself to be at best a creeping disaster (coercive governments attract and enable sociopaths and psychopaths). Using forcible government to "enforce" LOVE or Compassion hugely accelerates the destruction of Liberty, and soon turns even a reasonably civil society into a tyranny.
Getting the idea of Compassion out of politics is a necessary step. Compassion is an inner state, not an action that can be legislated or regulated.
The only way that Government can enhance compassion in society is to protect people against coercion -- which means, in the long run, a truly compassionate society requires that forcible government give way to CIVIL SOCIETY in which all regulation and other "government functions" (including especially funding) revert to organizations constrained by the same rules that individuals must live by; i.e., that initiating coercion against others is prohibited. (To be clear: defensive use of coercion is a different thing entirely; hence the 2nd Amendment, for instance).
Impossible? Unworkable? That's what they said about ending slavery, and the arguments against that were much the same as the arguments against freeing mankind from slavery to the State.
There are many good writings about the practical nature of real freedom; the classic The Market for Liberty by Morris and Linda Tannehill is a thought-provoking place to start.
COMPASSION is the hook the Cabal has used to pull people into its corrupt orbit since Marx, if not before.
This approach has horrendous power, because compassion is the most important foundation stone for civilized society. Jesus' entire ministry can be seen as a plea for more compassion in the world, and He literally defined discipleship as loving one's fellow human beings:
Language as a weapon: Communism = "community". Socialism = "social" and "society". How could anyone be AGAINST community or society? What sort of monster would oppose brotherhood and kindness?
Yet -- and this is crucial -- COMPASSION cannot be imposed by law or regulated.
COMPASSION is a feeling and an inner orientation; it involves the sense of CONNECTION to ALL LIFE. Compassion IS the FELT brotherhood / sisterhood with others -- and not only with people but with dogs and cats and deer and every other thing that walks or flies or crawls or swims. Compassion is about the deep, non-intellectual understanding that all life is the same, that all life is family, that everything that lives is built by the same hand and made of the same stuff-and-magic as oneself, and has the same basic needs (food, air, water, and more).
Again: Compassion cannot be imposed by law. Government is NOT the vehicle for bringing more compassion into the world. Compassion is about Love; thus, it is about emotional health -- and thus, it is ultimately about the TREATMENT OF CHILDREN. Jesus talks about that also, as we know. At one point, millstones are involved (Matthew 18:6).
Government is about Liberty, not Love. The two things are NOT in the same realm. Liberty is about actions; Love is about the soul.
Government is, in theory, the vehicle for protecting liberty; hence, the US Constitution's restraints on government power and the entire Bill of Rights that Americans insisted on before having their representatives sign off on that Constitution.
Notice that "restraints on government power" are ESSENTIAL, which is a huge RED FLAG pointing to the problem of using forcible government to protect liberty; [initiating] coercion is a CRIME and government as we have conceived it is based on nothing else. But I digress.
LIBERTY (AKA Freedom) is the second foundation stone for civilized society.
A truly compassionate person does not trample on the freedom of others -- "live and let live" is compassion's attitude; benign and compassionate interest in others without the desire to control others is what "Love thy neighbor" amounts to, which means that "Love IS the answer" and truly, "Love is all you need." But in a world of less than optimal emotional health -- NOT an inevitability, as smaller groups have proven -- active protection for Liberty is necessary.
Sowing confusion about this -- about the natures of Love and of Freedom -- has been the Enemy's most powerful tool.
Love and Freedom are co-dependent. No society long remains free without compassion, and no compassionate society can withstand an on-going erosion of Liberty. Love is about (or simply IS) emotional health; Liberty is the society-wide ability to live as one chooses (thus, each must accord that right to others) -- and thus is also about protecting oneself and others from assaults -- including assaults on Freedom itself.
Waking people up to the corruptions and evils of this world is only a start for the Great Awakening. At bottom, this Awakening is about setting right our understanding of and approach TO both Love and Liberty.
Both Love and Liberty are necessary. But using forcible government to "protect" Liberty has shown itself to be at best a creeping disaster (coercive governments attract and enable sociopaths and psychopaths). Using forcible government to "enforce" LOVE or Compassion hugely accelerates the destruction of Liberty, and soon turns even a reasonably civil society into a tyranny.
Getting the idea of Compassion out of politics is a necessary step. Compassion is an inner state, not an action that can be legislated or regulated.
The only way that Government can enhance compassion in society is to protect people against coercion -- which means, in the long run, a truly compassionate society requires that forcible government give way to CIVIL SOCIETY in which all regulation and other "government functions" (including especially funding) revert to organizations constrained by the same rules that individuals must live by; i.e., that initiating coercion against others is prohibited. (To be clear: defensive use of coercion is a different thing entirely; hence the 2nd Amendment, for instance).
Impossible? Unworkable? That's what they said about ending slavery, and the arguments against that were much the same as the arguments against freeing mankind from slavery to the State.
There are many good writings about the practical nature of real freedom; the classic The Market for Liberty by Morris and Linda Tannehill is a thought-provoking place to start.
Thanks to tweety51A for triggering this essay by posting a RFK, Jr. Tweet.