posted ago by Retaining_H2O ago by Retaining_H2O +49 / -0

Ukraine / Russian war may be destroying the western military industrial complex.

The very expensive weapon systems are shown to be no more effective than far lower cost alternatives.

Defensive systems costing 100's of $Millions are proven to be easily defeated by simple $2,000 drones. Tanks are vulnerable and are a maintenance nightmare. The newest western weapons are no longer the 'incredible uber-weapons' they were made out to be.

Ukraine is on display for the world to see. Chinese made, Korean made, Russian made and even Iranian made weapons are proving to be effective low-cost replacements for high-cost western weaponry.

Where the MIC used to dominate the world arms market, coukd set its own terms and controlled entire nations through debt and arms sales... those nations now have other choices... and can tell the MIC "not interested". "You are a high cost supplier of average weaponry, and we're done bending the knee".

The Deep State loses an incredible amount of influence while the MIC loses it's credibility.