We all want to "Move On" from Covid, and I get it - I moved on less than 3 months after the lockdowns went into place. Sure, I followed the rules but did not live in FEAR and have vowed after this experience that I will never live in FEAR no matter the consequences.
COVID was a great exercise in learning some things about "Ordinary People." There were 2 primary groups of "Ordinary People" during COVID, and let's say for all intents and purposes, they were split about 50/50.
Ordinary People were scared, and Ordinary People were not scared. Those Ordinary People who were scared were willing to do and say terrible things to those Ordinary People who were not.
Ordinary People working in healthcare called for not treating Ordinary People who were not vaccinated.
Ordinary People called for the health insurance of other Ordinary People to be canceled.
Ordinary People silenced some of the most highly trained and qualified Ordinary People physicians in the world, and Ordinary People championed the censorship.
Ordinary People eagerly explained to other Ordinary People that their child would not be receiving a life saving transplant due to their vaccination status.
Ordinary People cheered as Ordinary Doctors, Nurses, Respiratory Therapists, Radiologists, and many other Healthcare Worker Ordinary People were fired for not taking the vaccine when they were called heroes months before.
Ordinary People cheered as Ordinary People blue color state employees were fired, when they were called "essential" months before.
Ordinary People were angry when The Supreme Court stepped in and saved the jobs of many unvaccinated Ordinary People in the private sector.
Ordinary People shunned Ordinary People family members and unfriended life long friends.
Ordinary People were uninvited by Ordinary People from trips and kicked out of groups, clubs, and communities.
Ordinary People kept Ordinary People student athletes from competing due to vaccination status.
Probably the worst of all, Ordinary People were coerced into injecting themselves with an unknown substance that many didn't even want, for a variety of reasons, due to the FEAR of Ordinary People being completely ostracized from family and friends, losing their jobs, not being able to see their loved ones in hospitals and nursing homes, not being able to board a plane, not being treated by a doctor or in a hospital, and THIS WAS ALL ACCOMPLISHED VIA FEAR, PURE AND SIMPLE, by Ordinary People.
The list goes on an on, and so do these crimes against humanity that will go down in history books, and if our civilization even lasts, will be read about in centuries to come.
STRENGTH AND WISDOM IS NEEDED for the next disaster, now more than ever. Can you even begin to imagine the reaction of a TRULY catastrophic event based on the COVID reaction? I can't either, but it would be the worst nightmare we have not yet experienced.
We need to toughen-up, and we need a ton of it.
This site is full of pure-bloods that saw right through this from the very beginning. Fear tactics don't work very well with us.
They have a few more biological weapons waiting in the wings for us and of course big pharma will have a mRNA injection ready and waiting. Those that fell for it before, will likely fall for it again. Please don't be one of them. Frogs are not expendable.