This works. My son is 13 and has an ingrown toenail. he had been RIPPING his nails off instead of cutting them. It had gotten red and swollen so I had him soaking it and keeping it clean. When I remembered this Oregano and coconut mixture I made it up for him and he is 7 days in putting it on every day multiple times. I got back from a trip Sunday and asked him how his toe was and he said it feels so much better.
I used to do this as well, I’d use my other toenails to “pick” at the others and pretty much rip them off.. it got to the point where I was still doing it in adulthood and it really bothered my spouse lol
The ingrowns were really bad (I used lavender essential oil to heal them) and I was tired of my feet looking “ugly” due to the picked nails. I eventually learned that I have sensory issues and the nails being too long was a trigger to “pick” them. I started putting nail polish on my nails and it made it more difficult to pick. Now that I’ve done that for a little over a year I don’t feel like picking them even without them being painted (:
This works. My son is 13 and has an ingrown toenail. he had been RIPPING his nails off instead of cutting them. It had gotten red and swollen so I had him soaking it and keeping it clean. When I remembered this Oregano and coconut mixture I made it up for him and he is 7 days in putting it on every day multiple times. I got back from a trip Sunday and asked him how his toe was and he said it feels so much better.
I used to do this as well, I’d use my other toenails to “pick” at the others and pretty much rip them off.. it got to the point where I was still doing it in adulthood and it really bothered my spouse lol The ingrowns were really bad (I used lavender essential oil to heal them) and I was tired of my feet looking “ugly” due to the picked nails. I eventually learned that I have sensory issues and the nails being too long was a trigger to “pick” them. I started putting nail polish on my nails and it made it more difficult to pick. Now that I’ve done that for a little over a year I don’t feel like picking them even without them being painted (: