A person could follow the Q drops in chronological order, and how they were perceived at the time, by watching the Q decodes Praying Medic did. They used to be on YouTube but now they are hard to track down, particularly the archives. I think Dave even pulled them off his website back when they were arresting people for muh insurrection. Don’t know if anyone archived them offline but they would make a pretty good torrent, or even bootleg copies might be good. They were the most even-handed, well-researched, and calming Q decodes around. Great for the newly awakened too because Dave was as an EMT so he knows how to remain calm and level-headed in the midst of crisis. Another cool thing he would do is add screenshot highlights from the comment threads around Q when an anon made a good or relevant point, or asked an interesting question.
A person could follow the Q drops in chronological order, and how they were perceived at the time, by watching the Q decodes Praying Medic did. They used to be on YouTube but now they are hard to track down, particularly the archives. I think Dave even pulled them off his website back when they were arresting people for muh insurrection. Don’t know if anyone archived them offline but they would make a pretty good torrent, or even bootleg copies might be good. They were the most even-handed, well-researched, and calming Q decodes around. Great for the newly awakened too because Dave was as an EMT so he knows how to remain calm and level-headed in the midst of crisis. Another cool thing he would do is add screenshot highlights from the comment threads around Q when an anon made a good or relevant point, or asked an interesting question.
I found this the other day. Anyone know it there is an updated version? https://krypt3ia.files.wordpress.com/2018/08/q_s_posts_-cbts-_7-2-0.pdf