It is absolutely true that correlation does not prove causation, and we do not (yet?) have documentation that these official population control/depopulation policy items influenced COVIDcrisis public health policy - as many so-called “conspiracy theorists” have surmised. However, as far as I am concerned, one must recognize and acknowledge the amazing parallels between preceding population policy and many of the “public health” policies and actions which were implemented in USA and most western countries (particularly the “five eyes” nations). As previously covered in this Substack, Ernst Wolff has been one (of many) leading proponents of the theory that the COVIDcrisis was largely driven by an economic/financial agenda. It is always possible, and in this case probable, that many agendas were being advanced during this recent manufactured crisis.
After reading this essay and the supporting documentation, I suggest that each reader should make his/her (they/them?) assessment of the probability that the response to this “public health crisis” was influenced by US Federal population control policy as clearly outlined in the “Kissinger Report”. The report indicates that global population MUST not exceed 8 billion human beings. Is it a coincidence that in 2020 total global human inhabitants reached 7.84 billion?
Here are the top 10 methods “they” are using to reduce human population down to a “manageable” amount, at which point those remaining (apparently including the heirs to the fortunes of those driving this bus) will all live in a “utopian society”. Personally, I suspect that the result will be more akin to the dystopia of “Mad Max” than enlightened Athenian Democracy or Platos Republic.
Method 10: Targeted sterilization
Throughout history, and still today, people have used the philosophy of Eugenics to “improve” the human population by deciding who shouldn’t be allowed to have children. Oftentimes this means sterilizing the Sick and/or Poor.
Admitted cases of targeted sterilization include some 33 States of the United States from the 1930’s-1980’s. In the case of North Carolina they even apologized and established the N.C. Justice for Sterilization Victims Foundation in 2010 to compensate victims.
Other cases of forced sterilization include Nazi Germany and rumored immunization vaccines laced with antibodies to render woman sterile in the Philippines and in Africa. In China’s totalitarian system the Elites directly implement their famous single child quota.
Sterilization ploys throughout history usually end up playing out as some sort of racists scheme. But the ultimate goal is self-administered population reduction methods such as abortion.
Method 9: Wars
Wars have the obvious effect of reducing human population, and what may not be so obvious is the benefit that comes to international bankers who fund both sides of wars through central banks.
Wars accomplish population reduction while at the same time enriching war profiteers. The world has always managed several fronts of wars at any given time. However, the war on terrorism promises perpetual wars with no end in sight and a rising death toll that comes with it.
Method 8: No cures for diseases
Today’s doctors are drug dealers for the large and powerful pharmaceutical companies. Human doctors might replaced by Artificially Intelligent machines.
Doctors remain powerless against Big Pharma, government regulatory bodies such as the FDA,
Any doctor who tries to be a real Doctor and actually cures people is discredited out of the profession.
Method 7: Sexually transmitted diseases
Sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) such as HIV reduce human reproduction, shorten lifespan while creating a drug-dependent patient forced to buy treatments since cures are purposely withheld. The main goal of STD’s is to discourage pregnancies and create self-inflicted population control, which is a lot more efficient than forced population control.
Method 6: Environmental Manipulation
Pesticides and other chemical agents in the air that cause cancers, asthma, allergies and other sicknesses are very effective at making people sick and requiring them to buy medical treatments that make them even sicker.
Meanwhile, weather manipulation by DARPA and other agencies around the world directly result in disasters that appear natural and kill thousands of people at a time.
Method 5: Abortions
Abortions is the result of a perfectly executed population reduction campaign that resulted in self-execution. According to the World Health Organization, there are 40-50 million abortions per year worldwide, or about 125,000 abortions per day.
Method 4: Genetically Modified Organisms
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) such as insects, plants and animals is the future.
These GMO’s do all sorts of interesting new things such as mating with natural organisms to prevent them from producing natural seeds, using them as bioweapons and merging them with technology to carry out even more impressive missions against the human population.
Method 3: Same sex relationships
The explosion of same sex images in the media and Hollywood content is a planned and executed psychological operation (psyop).
This psyop conducted over the last 10 years on the human population has accomplished its mission of creating a self-executing population reduction paradigm.
Same sex relationships promise to be the most efficient human population reduction tool that ever existed.
Method 2: The food supply
If you control the food supply for any living organism, you control the organism, and humans are no different. The powerful have been slowly modifying the food of humans with all sorts of hormones, antibiotics and God knows what else for both profit and to affect physical change in the human body.
The most evident effect of food source manipulation is obesity, early menstruation in females, reduction of testosterone levels in men, and overall hormonal imbalance that causes sexual confusion and gender dyslexia. The combination of all this feeds right into the same sex relationship psychological operation against the human population to ultimately reduce the human reproduction rate.
Method 1: Transhumanism
— the merging of humans with sophisticated technologies that greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities. Transhumanism would completely eliminate the need for human population control or reduction by other means, since the technological enhancements would allow the creators and administrators of the “transhumans” to literally control their body and mind.
I’ll sticky this up in a bit, once a few of the current older sticky’d Sticky-Clocks run out.
They them ???
He tends to poke fun at the Alphabet Mafia these days. What are they gonna do, cancel him? OH WAIT
This is from the substack:
Here are the top 10 methods “they” are using to reduce human population down to a “manageable” amount, at which point those remaining (apparently including the heirs to the fortunes of those driving this bus) will all live in a “utopian society”. Personally, I suspect that the result will be more akin to the dystopia of “Mad Max” than enlightened Athenian Democracy or Platos Republic.
Method 10: Targeted sterilization Throughout history, and still today, people have used the philosophy of Eugenics to “improve” the human population by deciding who shouldn’t be allowed to have children. Oftentimes this means sterilizing the Sick and/or Poor. Admitted cases of targeted sterilization include some 33 States of the United States from the 1930’s-1980’s. In the case of North Carolina they even apologized and established the N.C. Justice for Sterilization Victims Foundation in 2010 to compensate victims. Other cases of forced sterilization include Nazi Germany and rumored immunization vaccines laced with antibodies to render woman sterile in the Philippines and in Africa. In China’s totalitarian system the Elites directly implement their famous single child quota. Sterilization ploys throughout history usually end up playing out as some sort of racists scheme. But the ultimate goal is self-administered population reduction methods such as abortion.
Method 9: Wars Wars have the obvious effect of reducing human population, and what may not be so obvious is the benefit that comes to international bankers who fund both sides of wars through central banks. Wars accomplish population reduction while at the same time enriching war profiteers. The world has always managed several fronts of wars at any given time. However, the war on terrorism promises perpetual wars with no end in sight and a rising death toll that comes with it.
Method 8: No cures for diseases Today’s doctors are drug dealers for the large and powerful pharmaceutical companies. Human doctors might replaced by Artificially Intelligent machines. Doctors remain powerless against Big Pharma, government regulatory bodies such as the FDA, Any doctor who tries to be a real Doctor and actually cures people is discredited out of the profession.
Method 7: Sexually transmitted diseases Sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) such as HIV reduce human reproduction, shorten lifespan while creating a drug-dependent patient forced to buy treatments since cures are purposely withheld. The main goal of STD’s is to discourage pregnancies and create self-inflicted population control, which is a lot more efficient than forced population control.
Method 6: Environmental Manipulation Pesticides and other chemical agents in the air that cause cancers, asthma, allergies and other sicknesses are very effective at making people sick and requiring them to buy medical treatments that make them even sicker. Meanwhile, weather manipulation by DARPA and other agencies around the world directly result in disasters that appear natural and kill thousands of people at a time.
Method 5: Abortions Abortions is the result of a perfectly executed population reduction campaign that resulted in self-execution. According to the World Health Organization, there are 40-50 million abortions per year worldwide, or about 125,000 abortions per day.
Method 4: Genetically Modified Organisms Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) such as insects, plants and animals is the future. These GMO’s do all sorts of interesting new things such as mating with natural organisms to prevent them from producing natural seeds, using them as bioweapons and merging them with technology to carry out even more impressive missions against the human population.
Method 3: Same sex relationships The explosion of same sex images in the media and Hollywood content is a planned and executed psychological operation (psyop). This psyop conducted over the last 10 years on the human population has accomplished its mission of creating a self-executing population reduction paradigm. Same sex relationships promise to be the most efficient human population reduction tool that ever existed.
Method 2: The food supply If you control the food supply for any living organism, you control the organism, and humans are no different. The powerful have been slowly modifying the food of humans with all sorts of hormones, antibiotics and God knows what else for both profit and to affect physical change in the human body. The most evident effect of food source manipulation is obesity, early menstruation in females, reduction of testosterone levels in men, and overall hormonal imbalance that causes sexual confusion and gender dyslexia. The combination of all this feeds right into the same sex relationship psychological operation against the human population to ultimately reduce the human reproduction rate.
Method 1: Transhumanism — the merging of humans with sophisticated technologies that greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities. Transhumanism would completely eliminate the need for human population control or reduction by other means, since the technological enhancements would allow the creators and administrators of the “transhumans” to literally control their body and mind.
TY for the tldr. Sounds almost shocking.
Great post of Dr. Malone's substack. They tell us who they are by their actions.