My inlaws were told by their own daughter not to get it. They did... Triple jabbed - Moderna. I have been keeping my distance from them ever since. I used to be close to them. They started asking why I haven't talked to them much a few months back and I told them I wad mad at them for getting it. I already lost my two parents (MRSA from routine surgery and some kind of stroke from my dad). My child already had lost one set of grandparents.... Now worried she will have none. I told them also, I have never seen them sick with so many colds and I have been around them 16 years.
My inlaws were told by their own daughter not to get it. They did... Triple jabbed - Moderna. I have been keeping my distance from them ever since. I used to be close to them. They started asking why I haven't talked to them much a few months back and I told them I wad mad at them for getting it. I already lost my two parents (MRSA from routine surgery and some kind of stroke from my dad). My child already had lost one set of grandparents.... Now worried she will have none. I told them also, I have never seen them sick with so many colds and I have been around them 16 years.