Arbitrary age limits sounds like a good idea at first but as we march on in time people are tending to live healthier longer. It could be a good indicator to some people and bad for others.
Intelligence tests are a good idea too on paper. But that could be abused as the people who set the standard for the test are the very people that the test would be meant for. Of course they would add loop holes and low bars to the tests.
Term limits would be better. But hopping every one just basically signs their own job security away is a pipe dream. Also, it could still be kind of abused by congresspeople doing even less work and concentrating all their time and money on insuring the correct replacement after their term.
Possibly combining term limits and ways to make recalls easier by both the people and the party might be a winning combination.
I like the idea of a recall method. There is ZERO now and it frustrates me tremendously. I'd be pushing to recall cuck Bill Cassidy in a heart beat. They used to be employed by the state and the legislature or governor could fire them at will - maybe we need that back. Make working for the state ensure a paycheck rather than working for the party.
My worry with term limits is that NGOs that interfere with countries, e.g. UN, WHO, NATO and other governments or the 3 letters agencies can just wait it out, blackmail the next reps coming up etc.
Unfortunately there is no requirement for any representative to actual vote/ back/support the position they were elected on or the majority of viewpoint on specific issues - you get a D or R and very little nuance.
Arbitrary age limits sounds like a good idea at first but as we march on in time people are tending to live healthier longer. It could be a good indicator to some people and bad for others.
Intelligence tests are a good idea too on paper. But that could be abused as the people who set the standard for the test are the very people that the test would be meant for. Of course they would add loop holes and low bars to the tests.
Term limits would be better. But hopping every one just basically signs their own job security away is a pipe dream. Also, it could still be kind of abused by congresspeople doing even less work and concentrating all their time and money on insuring the correct replacement after their term.
Possibly combining term limits and ways to make recalls easier by both the people and the party might be a winning combination.
I like the idea of a recall method. There is ZERO now and it frustrates me tremendously. I'd be pushing to recall cuck Bill Cassidy in a heart beat. They used to be employed by the state and the legislature or governor could fire them at will - maybe we need that back. Make working for the state ensure a paycheck rather than working for the party.
My worry with term limits is that NGOs that interfere with countries, e.g. UN, WHO, NATO and other governments or the 3 letters agencies can just wait it out, blackmail the next reps coming up etc.
Unfortunately there is no requirement for any representative to actual vote/ back/support the position they were elected on or the majority of viewpoint on specific issues - you get a D or R and very little nuance.