Being it's the end of the month I had to get my car inspected today. I have gone to the same place for years but never saw this person/worker there before. I sat in the office and this worder started talking about McConnell and how he and other octogenarians shouldn't be in office, I agreed. Other comments he made made me think he was going down a based path, UNTIL I brought up AOC and how she won an audition for the job. THEN he starts talking about how much he likes her and how smart she is (I almost threw up in my mouth) and how he thinks MTG is an idiot (I wondered if the blood from biting my lip was running down my face). He said MTG is QAnon, to which I said, "There is no such thing as QAnon..." and he said, "Oh, I know all about it."
The saddest part was when I brought up transgenders in the military and HE IS ALL FOR IT!
Not to mention, he was making comments about slavery as if HE was a slave, getting whipped and forced to work out in the fields. So, I just smiled and bit my lip a little more, until the owner of the station came in and said my car was ready.
You can't argue with stupid.
People have been trained using an update of Pavlovian techniques to automatically get so emotionally triggered that their brains logic centers shut down when presented with the cue word Trump, the sound of his voice, vids of him or pics.
Those who care about overcoming the Regimes mind control avoid using triggering cues.
Videos about how to overcome a phobia ie triggered over reaction can be very helpful.