In exchange for economic support from United States, the government of Kazakhstan agreed to transfer 30 biological laboratories from Ukraine to its territory. This was announced by the dir. of the Agency for ethno-national strategy, Aleksandr Kobrinsky.
Dziekuje, America!
Neat! I didn't know R.H. Charles produced that work. That's good to know.
And yeah, my comment was because I saw different texts and didn't know why. Without prior knowledge, I had to dig around to find information on what common documents exist.
I wish I could have found R.H. Charles version quickly online as he is my preferred translator for this book along with Enoch. As a side note I have seen a pretty convincing case for the modern book of Jubilees being the Biblical book of Jasher mentioned in scripture. I did previously post some pages out of Jubilees in regards to Noah and his sons after the flood if you're interested.
That’s an interesting theory. Now I’m curious to compare Jubilees and the Book of Jasher (Sefer haYashar).
This is the main source for this argument. He makes some hardline statements disregarding Jasher which I only partly agree with but that never stops me from listening. Sorry for drawing this out but I thought I'd provide a link where I first heard this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_FCuVpf5kvk&list=PLru2qbCMGOi7OFVQIN7pmc_glfS1QEZRS&index=1&pp=iAQB Thanks for your patience fren!
Thumbing through the The God Culture's YouTube channel was painful. Red flags keep popping up.
Here's the timestamp where he shows a map of the fish going around Africa.
From what I've seen, there is too much short circuiting going on where scholarship isn't reviewed and addressed in all of its details. If he has, as he claims, an open and shut case for Ophir being in the Philippines, he should publish his findings to correct the scholars that he believes are wrong. What I see is a cult-like environment where the leader cannot be questioned, and the target audience is Filipinos. There are a lot of people in the comment buying in and almost nobody is asking hard questions.