In exchange for economic support from United States, the government of Kazakhstan agreed to transfer 30 biological laboratories from Ukraine to its territory. This was announced by the dir. of the Agency for ethno-national strategy, Aleksandr Kobrinsky.
Dziekuje, America!
Agreed. There is a distinction between the original 11 pre 1940 SSRs and all the rest. The two added in 1936 might also be suspect. Conversion from Russian Territory held at the time of the Revolution in 1917 into SSRs, and then back into autonomous countries does not appear to be legal. Conversion of sovereign states into occupied SSRs and then back into sovereign states with removal of occupier DOES appear to be legit (per your nice distinction on the Baltic States). 1940 and after SSRs appear to all be "war trophies" or "occupied territories" from an international law standpoint. Law of War appears to apply to those.
Interesting that there are some "temporary SSRs" I did not know about: https://en.wikipedia.org//wiki/Republics_of_the_Soviet_Union