We have some evidence for how the Russians feel about it. If you watch the increasingly frequent surrender videos making their way to the socials, especially on Telegram, it's clear the Ukies have no training at all. The Russians will ask them when they got picked up, and there's always a forced conscription story. Zelensky's thug secret police are rounding them up and throwing them into combat. The Russians treat the surrendering ones as well as you could expect. They'll kill the ones they have to, but it's clear they understand this is a brother war.
We have some evidence for how the Russians feel about it. If you watch the increasingly frequent surrender videos making their way to the socials, especially on Telegram, it's clear the Ukies have no training at all. The Russians will ask them when they got picked up, and there's always a forced conscription story. Zelensky's thug secret police are rounding them up and throwing them into combat. The Russians treat the surrendering ones as well as you could expect. They'll kill the ones they have to, but it's clear they understand this is a brother war.