posted ago by special1ntere5t ago by special1ntere5t +34 / -1

🚨It's Biblical πŸ’₯πŸ‘€ They're after your bloodline!

If you understand how satan operates, you'd have more clarity on why we are experiencing what we are now. It's a cycle.

The nephilim didn't want you to know their modes of operation. Satan's plan from the beginning was to manipulate God's beloved creation. Starting with Eve. The Nephilim influenced man to sin & do what was improper.

In Genesis 6: Nephilim or FALLEN ONES were on the earth in those days (conjunction), and the Sons of God went into the daughters of men. 3 parties

Nephilim influenced men to create the hybrid race (Satan's plan). Angels can not pro-create. They don't have those body parts. They were meant to be servants. The nephilim were chained (Jude 6 & 2 Peter 2)

God obviously knew that satan was trying to manipulate the bloodlines. In Gen 3:15, God tells the serpent that woman's seed (Jesus) would destroy him. So satan goes to try & manipulate.

There were millions of people on the earth before the flood. Only 8 made it. However, Ham (Noah's son) had a wife who was a Hittite. She came from Cain's bloodline. The race of hybrids survived through his wife, producing "giants."

Goliath was not a nephilim. He was a hybrid. It was up to David & his men to wipe out the giants. However, the bloodline remained. Six fingers, six toes. Many still have this today.

Satan wanted to corrupt Jesus' bloodline. When Jesus would walk through the streets, they said heal us son of David. They recognized God's promise and the precious blood of Jesus. The genealogy.

A spotted lamb was genetically improper for sacrifice. Satan knew that if Jesus' bloodline was improper, the sacrifice for us would be improper. He got beat. This is why the precious blood of Jesus is so important. It's pure. It has POWER.

In movies, there's always a bit of truth. We know satan controls hollywood, but they twist it. There are many movies & shows that tell the story about genetic manipulation. One recent example is the show "Sweet Tooth." That hybrids are the cure and the way to save from sickness.

They make it look sweet and innocent, but there's always a twist. Just like satan and his minions do by twisting scripture. They want you to believe that Jesus is man made, and the way of the world is the way to go. They always want to fully corrupt your DNA.

God's signature is embedded in your DNA. They want to corrupt this. It's that simple. If they can make you not human through manipulation, then they can have you.

Whether you followed Q's posts or not, they understand this as well. Luciferase is a bioluminescent in the vaccines. It can be tracked, and more. Think about that. Satan is still trying.

Protect your DNA. The enemy will never stop trying. It has ALWAYS been about your bloodlines. The enemy has infiltrated everywhere in your government, entertainment, etc. If someone is recognizing this, then you should hold them close. Many will be fooled.

I've always looked at the vaccines as a test run for when the mark of the beast is introduced. "For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Recognize that this battle we live in is spiritual. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but by the powers and principalities of darkness. The unseen is way more real than the seen. The enemy's greatest accomplishment is getting people to believe he doesn't exist.

Matthew 24:37-39 "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

Way more to all of this, but I will end it here.

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Original tweet - https://twitter.com/_alphaanon/status/1684857157555027968?s=46&t=Nwg1vy4jg3_JlX1SQMYB9A