THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID. Or, are they? These people are intelligent, perhaps, but, they live in an ever-shrinking and increasingly uncomfortable FAKE information space where there's no 'research' or 'digging' going on... there's only talking points. That space is collapsing, and collapsing quickly!
🧠 These paid shills are stupid!

People's character is a part of them. You don't don it for one occasion and shed it for another. This means: Hunter saw a chance to make money and took it -- as if he were passing a loaded apple tree and plucked one for himself. Even that can be theft. People who are not crooks, or rather, of good character, would not seize EVERY opportunity to make money. Some opportunities are legal, others, decidedly not. I don't think there are too many people out there who would stand beside him and praise his essential virtues. He is a glob, a mere shadow of a man, who does not understand the spiritual magnitude of his actions. Those photos alone condemn him to carrying a millstone around his neck, for ever and ever!
If he had a “come to Jesus” awakening, acknowledged his sins before God and man then proclaim Jesus as his savior, he would be forgiven and accepted into God’s almighty kingdom. Yes, even Hunter. John 3:16