AND WHAT you elude to HAS TO BE DONE ON BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE...If there is NOT a complete house cleaning, this will come back in the future...EXAMPLES have to be made and I do believe Gitmo is looking like the place to do it...
NOT the first ones arrive and are judged, sentence and firing squad/hanging/lethal injection then next ones arrive...until the end...
NOTE: President Trump expanded the courtrooms, cells and other facilities INCLUDING a larger news media area in the main court room and the other also have news media area but not as big...all for 446 MILL...Later on, he expanded the cell holding area to a much bigger size for a mil...I DO NOT think all that money is going to go to waste!!!
Hunter is the tip. Start investigating other political grifters kids. It’s a deep well
AND WHAT you elude to HAS TO BE DONE ON BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE...If there is NOT a complete house cleaning, this will come back in the future...EXAMPLES have to be made and I do believe Gitmo is looking like the place to do it...
we need a bigger Gitmo.
NOT the first ones arrive and are judged, sentence and firing squad/hanging/lethal injection then next ones arrive...until the end...
NOTE: President Trump expanded the courtrooms, cells and other facilities INCLUDING a larger news media area in the main court room and the other also have news media area but not as big...all for 446 MILL...Later on, he expanded the cell holding area to a much bigger size for a mil...I DO NOT think all that money is going to go to waste!!!