I just received an email from the ONA (Ohio Nurses Association) yesterday. They were putting out a Code Red regarding unsafe staffing numbers and letting nurses know “they will hold the government and corporations responsible”, because unsafe staffing levels effect patient outcomes. I was steaming! The ONA got behind hospitals mandating their staff take the Covid shot, get an exemption, or be fired. Where were they back when this happened? They were right there with the AMA, AAP, pharmacists, FDA, CDC, Ohio Public Health, the federal government in supporting masking and the Covid shot. They are hypocrits.
That's pretty interesting - so what are they going to do to "hold them accountable?" They don't have any authority. What will they do about all of the poor outcomes? "Uhhhh, Mrs Smith, here's three months added back to your life. We're sorry your nurse was so overloaded she missed the aspiration pneumonia that caused your extended stay and shortened your lifespan, and that now you have asthma after being on a ventilator for 45 days. We're holding the hospitals accountable!" ha ha
I just received an email from the ONA (Ohio Nurses Association) yesterday. They were putting out a Code Red regarding unsafe staffing numbers and letting nurses know “they will hold the government and corporations responsible”, because unsafe staffing levels effect patient outcomes. I was steaming! The ONA got behind hospitals mandating their staff take the Covid shot, get an exemption, or be fired. Where were they back when this happened? They were right there with the AMA, AAP, pharmacists, FDA, CDC, Ohio Public Health, the federal government in supporting masking and the Covid shot. They are hypocrits.
That's pretty interesting - so what are they going to do to "hold them accountable?" They don't have any authority. What will they do about all of the poor outcomes? "Uhhhh, Mrs Smith, here's three months added back to your life. We're sorry your nurse was so overloaded she missed the aspiration pneumonia that caused your extended stay and shortened your lifespan, and that now you have asthma after being on a ventilator for 45 days. We're holding the hospitals accountable!" ha ha