i think there's a false dichotomy between people who deny the Bible's validity outright, and people who consider it to be a comprehensive encyclopædia of existence.
its comprehensive in the sense that it contains everything a human on earth needs to know to make it to heaven. and that's really all we're here to do.
but just because the internal combustion engine isn't Biblical, doesn't mean i deny their existence or consider them demonic. I think we should just appreciate the Bible for what it is... a guide, not an encyclopaedia.
well said. its a big world out there.
I can't stand people who keep wanting to make it smaller.
i think there's a false dichotomy between people who deny the Bible's validity outright, and people who consider it to be a comprehensive encyclopædia of existence.
its comprehensive in the sense that it contains everything a human on earth needs to know to make it to heaven. and that's really all we're here to do.
but just because the internal combustion engine isn't Biblical, doesn't mean i deny their existence or consider them demonic. I think we should just appreciate the Bible for what it is... a guide, not an encyclopaedia.