Oh, to be the one to give a hard right cross to this CIA-planted, psy-opped-no-birth certificate, no-valid-SSN, no-Selective-Service-number un-American-sunovabitch, it would have been exquisite, to see the shocked look on this simpy bitches face, seconds before the deep-state goons took you down...
I know, right? As I often say here...I cannot wait for Black Jesus to be perp walked in his orange jammies to the gallows, where his chicken neck will be fitted for a nice, thick noose.
Oh, to be the one to give a hard right cross to this CIA-planted, psy-opped-no-birth certificate, no-valid-SSN, no-Selective-Service-number un-American-sunovabitch, it would have been exquisite, to see the shocked look on this simpy bitches face, seconds before the deep-state goons took you down...
I know, right? As I often say here...I cannot wait for Black Jesus to be perp walked in his orange jammies to the gallows, where his chicken neck will be fitted for a nice, thick noose.