To each their own in how they live. Nothing wrong with wearing makeup, lipstick or polish on your nails. I don't like putting on makeup and that's why I rarely use it. When I do use makeup it's 100% toxic free and that's my choice because I'm highly allergic to toxic ingredients (man made ingredients). Research the ingredients in perfumes like Chanel and the rest of the top brands. This is coming from a woman that has always worn perfume up until about ten years ago. I'll admit most smell great. Most people like either woodsy, earthy or floral fragrance. The scents come from nature. I use essential oil for fragrance. If I do smell like soap it's not like ivory etc. It's from the natural scents of plant butters, plant oils and clays. Homemade soap has so many variations depending on the ingredients. Being a Trump supporter has nothing to do with your skincare choices. I choose natural for the same reasons I don't get the flu or Covid vaccines. It's hard for me to understand why anyone would choose to put toxins that cause cancer on their bodies.
To each their own in how they live. Nothing wrong with wearing makeup, lipstick or polish on your nails. I don't like putting on makeup and that's why I rarely use it. When I do use makeup it's 100% toxic free and that's my choice because I'm highly allergic to toxic ingredients (man made ingredients). Research the ingredients in perfumes like Chanel and the rest of the top brands. This is coming from a woman that has always worn perfume up until about ten years ago. I'll admit most smell great. Most people like either woodsy, earthy or floral fragrance. The scents come from nature. I use essential oil for fragrance. If I do smell like soap it's not like ivory etc. It's from the natural scents of plant butters, plant oils and clays. Homemade soap has so many variations depending on the ingredients. Being a Trump supporter has nothing to do with your skincare choices. I choose natural for the same reasons I don't get the flu or Covid vaccines. It's hard for me to understand why anyone would choose to put toxins that cause cancer on their bodies.